Posted: November 25, 2009
Good morning, Today is Wednesday. We are going skating today. Kelly is going to her aunts after school for an early birthday dinner. Brendan is building muscles working out at his house. Zack L is excited to get a PSP. Paige was glad her brother got a needle and not her! Rhyan named her mouse "sway-jow" which means dumpling in Chinese. Zach P was busy baking wood last night. I wonder whats in his lunch. Logan is going swimming tonight. Shannon is going to her grandmothers to celebrate her moms birthday today! Happy Birthday Shannon's mom! Abby has a belly ache. Annabelle played a game with her dad last night. Colby is dreaming of christmas gifts already. Do you remember what he wants? Only one month til Christmas Day! Have a great day! Mr. McCallum's class