Mr. McCallum - Archive - 2011

Welcome To Our Page

Posted: November 25, 2009

Good morning,  Today is Wednesday.  We are going skating today.  Kelly is going to her aunts after school for an early birthday dinner.  Brendan is building muscles working out at his house.  Zack L is excited to get a PSP.  Paige was glad her brother got a needle and not her!  Rhyan named her mouse "sway-jow" which means dumpling in Chinese.  Zach P was busy baking wood last night.  I wonder whats in his lunch.   Logan is going swimming tonight.  Shannon is going to her grandmothers to celebrate her moms birthday today!  Happy Birthday Shannon's mom!  Abby has a belly ache.  Annabelle played a game with her dad last night.  Colby is dreaming of christmas gifts already.  Do you remember what he wants? Only one month til Christmas Day!  Have a great day! Mr. McCallum's class

Posted: November 24, 2009

 In art today we made shakers for the olympic torch and envelopes for our Christmas countdown calendar.  In math we worked on using ten frames to make four different math sentences.  During language arts we worked on writing by our self in different mediums (letters, small books, journals)etc.  When we read our chapter book today we found out why Bugsy has the nickname little tornado!  Wow!  I have a few answers in for our math bonus 005. Both our spelling test and the draw will take place first thing on THURSDAY morning, because our day on Friday will be so busy.  See you tomorrow!

Posted: November 24, 2009

We have been talking about how we change our voice for different characters in stories when we read and write.  A big dragon would probably have a deep voice, a mouse might have a very high voice.  Zach finished a story he wrote (inspired by something he saw on the internet) and made lots of different voices for different characters!  I think he definitely has the right idea and its a great place to start.

Posted: November 24, 2009

 1.  I  6.  be 2.  we  7.  no 3.  me  8.  white 4.  go  9.  blue 5.  so 10.  he 

Posted: November 23, 2009

 We are in Olympic Torch mode this week!  We started today with a new chapter book in the Geronimo Stilton Series.  I love that crazy mouse!  We also took a peak at our new math question for the week, you might want to dig out your old monopoly money to help with this one.  In PE we practiced our dance for the olympic torch ceremony.  Remember we are skating on Wednesday, there is a note on the main page calendar.  I will keep this short because I dont want to cut into your Mango screen time.  See you tomorrow!

Posted: November 23, 2009

Good morning,  Today is Monday.  Brendan watched the Timberwolves win the hockey game.  Kelly had a sleep over party and stayed up super late!  Ben did archery at the golden hawk.  Shannon's brother came home from university for the weekend, she says 3 black dots equals danger!  Do you know why?    Zach P used the weekend to practice for his upcoming green belt test.  Logan got a new Mario game.  Rhyan got Kelly a present for her birthday, do you remember what it was?  Colby played with Riley this weekend.  Zack L played with Matthew, Sean, and Logan.  They played an apple game.  Evan lost a tooth.  Paige is going to Reese's house after school.  Mr. McCallum's class

Posted: November 19, 2009

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Thank you to Tim Saunders from the Kinsmen Club of the Miramichi.  He has a problem they need solved.  I hope we can help.

Posted: November 19, 2009

 Jack and Annie found out the secret of happiness, saved merlin, and enjoyed their walk home through nature.  Another chapter book done and we will try a new series starting on Monday.  We had a spelling test first thing this morning followed by show and tell.  Show and tell was really good.  I think the sheets helped because the students all new lots about their items and all seemed very prepared!  We also did not do a morning letter today because we made a quick video to our partner class in Calgary instead.  We were a bit silly in places, but thats us!  As a past winner, Zach P drew the name of this weeks math prize winner!  Congratulations to Josh Cabel!  He had the correct answer of 18.  (Zach P drew the name there was no fix!)  Check back tomorrow for next weeks math problem.  We also played some co-operative games in gym class that made us work in groups.  Why do you think it was easier to play the games with small groups and harder with large groups?  Have a great day off and see you Monday!

Posted: November 18, 2009

  I thought Jack and Annie were finished today when they ran into that samurai in the garden without Master Basho!  Do you remember how they escaped?  They think they may found the secret of happiness that will help Merlin, but Im not sure.  Only one chapter left to find out.  We had some very busy readers and writers today, I am very happy on how independent we are becoming.  In gym today we had Miss Barry as a guest and she showed us some cool partner balances.  We keep working on adding and subtracting in math.  Can you think of a different word that means the same as add or subtract?



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Added: Wed, Mar 23 2011