Mr. McCallum - Archive - 08/2014 Notes

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Posted: October 8, 2013

We talked a little bit about guitars today and we read about a dog thats gettting old.  Do you remember what part of the house Marley is having the most trouble with every night?  In Math we did a bit of work with arrays, and looked at the different ways of representing numbers with base ten blocks.  Do you like adding numbers and regrouping using standard numbers or base ten blocks better?  In Language Arts we are continuing to use questions to improve the details of our stories.  We did Tally Tuesday in gym and we had Mr. Murphy talk to us in guidance today.   We worked on labelling maps in Social Studies and in Science we went to the computer lab and experimented with the smartboard.   Tomorrow is the last day this week before the break!  Get lots of rest and I will see you in the morning.

Posted: October 7, 2013

Marley is getting older and he is losing his hearing.  Do you remember how they figured this out?  This week is Fire Prevention Week!  We had an Assembly this morning in place of Language Arts.  The Fire Deptartment came and showed us what they looked like completely dressed up, and ready to fight a fire!  Im glad I got to see them like that or I might think they were really scary!  In Math we talked about the 5 different ways to model numbers and played with the base ten blocks.  Yes played!  In PE we played some games, we touched on fire safety!  Do you remember what the two most important things you should do tonight?  In Science we talked about erosion, and in Social Studies we worked with our maps. 

Posted: October 2, 2013

Today we learned about the Platypus!  Do you think he would be a good pet?  Why not ($)?  In Language Arts we worked on identifying the main idea in a story.  In math we looked at the different ways to model a number.  There are 5 ways we have looked at so far.  Do you remember them (Standard form, Word Form, Expanded Form, Place Value Chart, Base Ten Blocks).  In PE it was international walk to school day!  In Social Studies we had a quiz.  In computer we learned how to get onto our email address!  You can check out your email at (Dont forge your domain NBSS).  Have a great day and I may see you at cross country tonight!

Posted: October 1, 2013

In our book today we read about how hard it can be to travel with pets, especially if you have lots of pets (like crickets).  We learned about an animal with super hearing!  Do you remember what it was?  In math we did a senteo review and continued to work with numbers to 1000.  In Language Arts we worked on improving our "detail sentences" by asking questions.  In PE it was tally Tuesday!  Great training for our cross country runners!  We had guidance with Mr. Murphy and worked on maps and our community with social studies.  In science we talked about soil, and who lives in it.   Who lives in our soil? 

Posted: September 30, 2013

We started off the day talking about old one room school houses.  We talked about how to show a drink was hot, instead of just saying it.  In LA  we continued to work on our daily 5 routines.  We read about the dangers of drinking salt water, especially if yourre a dog!   In Math we reviewed our Adding steps (Do you remember what we call the steps for doing something?), and worked from our text book.  Our cross country runners practiced for the hilly Hallow by running on the hill by the church!  In Science we talked about living things that affect the soil.  In Social Studies we practiced using our maps.  Another busy day in Grade 3.

Posted: September 26, 2013

Today went by in a flash!  We started the day trying to figure out how to spell "furniture" and we read about how powerful lightning could be!  We had a late recess when we got our pictures taken.  We had PE with Mrs. McCarthy and Library.  In Science we looked at two new words, gravity, and atmosphere. In Art we looked at different lines.  Tomorrow at 12:30 we will have a very brief awards assembly followed by our laps around the school for the Terry Fox Walk, all are welcome to attend!  See you tomorrow.

Posted: September 25, 2013

A wonderful Wednesday!  It turns out it might not be a great idea to tie your dog to your table when youre eating.  Do you remember why?  This week is Smile Cookie Day at Tim Hortons so we had a special treat at recess!   For Math Today we reviewed our rules for our Adding Algorithm and worked out of the book on Standard Numbers and using drawings to represent numbers.  In Language Arts we worked on some special letters.   In PE we had tally Wednesday.  In Computer we worked on some awesome shortcuts that are going to come in handy with the Ctrl Button.  Do you remember any of them?  Good luck to the runners in cross country tonight at Croft!TOMORROW IS PICTURE DAY!  BRING YOUR SMILES ON YOUR FACE, NOT IN YOUR POCKET!!! 

Posted: September 24, 2013

Today we started of learning about light bulbs!  The chapter in our book was called Jail Break, do you remember why?  In Math we started to look at numbers to 1000!  Only 900 more numbers than last year!  Mr. McCallum had to go to the internet to find out what Bannock was!  Can you believe he didnt know!  In Language Arts we had a guest teacher and went over subject and predicate.  Those are fancy words!  We had a guest teacher for PE and played some cool games.  After PE  we had Mr. Savoy come in and teach us about GPS units for social studies.  Do you remember what GPS stands for?  Once we learned how to work the units we went on a small walking tour to see some of the cool historic buildings in our very own neighbor hood!  What a cool way to end the day.  Remember Thursday is picture day!  See you tomorrow

Posted: September 23, 2013

Today I learned how a porcupine sounds, and how to doodle one quickly.  We worked on reading mazes and reviewed our Math Vocabulary.  We also looked at our adding algorithm in math.  In Language Arts we worked on our Read to Self and did some group writing with our pattern for "Problem, try, try, solve".  Do you remember why Mr. McCallum said its a good idea to pick a little problem?  In Gym today we learned how to play "Dead Ant Tag".  In Health we talked about the dangers of smoking.  In science read about how all plants need soil.  We finished off the day looking at Maps, and learning about Canada and New Brunswick.  We also had to have a little talk about building our stamina for sitting in our chairs at our desks.  Some of us are still having trouble with the extended day.  (I think extend is a math word too, do you remember what it means?)  I hope tomorrow afternoon is nice!  We are hoping to have a special guest!  Keep your fingers crossed and see you tomorrow.

Posted: September 19, 2013

I forgot to write up the blog before I left school today, so this will be my first attempt at an entry from my cell phone. We started off the day with some writing to SHOW not TELL that a person was hungry, how would you do that? We looked at some Emperor Penguins, do you remember anything about them? In math, we reviewed our vocabulary using Senteo's and made a video I hope to post soon on how to use a text book in math. Stay tuned for that gem. We had PE after lunch and learned about maps in social studies. We made origami in Art class today! origami is a fancy word for folding paper? what did you fold your paper into? A HUGE thank you to Mrs. Noel for helping me out at the end of the day. The time is flying by AND fall fair is this weekend! Hope everyone gets a chance to take part in all of the festivities, it's going to be great. Have a great night and see you tomorrow. :)

Posted: September 18, 2013

Today we talked a little bit about lizards as pets.  In our book we might be in for some bad news, it looks like one of the characters might need to find a new family to live with!  In Language Arts we are learning how to make a proper paragarph.  There are a lot of things to remember, can you remember any of them?  In math we continued to work out of the text book on patterns and use pattern rules!  We had Pizza for hot lunch today.  In PE we went outside to play soccer.  In Health we talked about communicible and non communicable diseases and the pipes that run blood to our hearts.  In computer class we talked about how some people on the internet may not be who they say they are sometimes.  We went over some of the parts of our browers and then played some online math games. 

Posted: September 17, 2013

Today was our first day for doing the Ian Baillie Morning Announcements!  That means our mornings might get a little bit confusing for the next week or so until Mr. McCallum figures out what he is doing!  We learned about locust today, and how to use Mango's to help find a missing gold chain (although I dont recommend it).  In Math we continued with working from the book on patterns.  We are still working with Pattern rules.  You can make up any pattern (Start with ____ and _____ each time).  Good luck!  Gym today was Tally Tuesday!  We had guidance with Mr. Murphy and in Science we discussed compost.  Tomorrow is Hot Lunch day, and this weekend is the fall fair.  Busy busy!  See you tomorrow.

Posted: September 16, 2013

Today we read about Marley's "Great Escape" attempts.  The first attempt was do to the weather, and the second because of him trying to get some fresh air.  Do you remember what happened?  In Math we worked with our senteo's and writing questions out of the text book.  In Science we talked about compost, and Mr. McCallum may be asking to share some of your lunch tomorrow.   Im sorry for the late post, but we left immediately after school to go to NSEE for the cross country meet!  Im still excited because our grade 3's did so well!   I hope we get some pictures up soon!  See you in the morning :)

Posted: September 13, 2013

Friday the 13th!!! Lucky for us it was a great day!  I wrote in the agenda today to get the permission slips signed, but they all came back signed!  Only one day sending them home!  WOW!!!! We learned the importance of teaching a dog to stop when you are training him, how to draw a fish bone, and some great ways to show (instead of tell) that you are happy!  In math today we started to learn to play chess!  In PE we had a special guest teacher!  No one told me what they did, but I bet Mrs. Hache probably made them do push-ups the entire class!  In science we finished with our soil samples chart and in Social Studies we worked on our communities.  We ended the day with music and one of my favorite happy songs!   Have a great weekend, SEE YOU MONDAY!

Posted: September 12, 2013

Today we learned how to sketch a baby panda, what happens when you kick a dog out of school, and lots of other cool things!   In math we used our senteo's to help review two digit addition.  Addition has a pattern in that you follow the same steps every single time, no matter how big or how many numbers you are adding.  We had Language arts with Miss Gallant.  After recess we had gym, and then we went upstairs and did some observation charts in science.   We reviewed the six components of soil.  In art Mrs. Hache came in to help out!  She was probably mean, but the class was very nice to her anyway and pretended to be excited about it!  I did send home a form for short excursions that needs to be signed and returned as soon as possible.  One more day until the weekend!  I cant believe how fast the week flew by.  Get lots of rest and see you in the morning!
