Posted: December 4, 2013
Free Hot Lunch by LillianIt has been a very busy past few days, and I appologize for not finding time to write on the class Page! Lots has happened over the past few days, show and tell, letters to santa, an elf on the shelf named Jodi, trips to the Linden Rec Center, and much more! Today was also very busy! I started the day finding out that even Santa's hardest working elves are characters! Do you remember who Jodi found to play with? Should I be worried? We started off the day by getting on the bus and going to Newcastle for gym class! When we got back we had a quick music class to practice our songs for next week's concert! Do you know the names of the songs we are practicing. Those who are in choir got a double practice because we had choir at the little recess! After recess we had langugage arts with Miss Gallant. It was a big writing day! What did you write? We got outside for a little bit at lunch time, and we came in it was FREE HOT LUNCH for everyone! It also included chocolate milk and cupcakes! Christmas must be coming soon! Thank you so much to all the volunteers that came out to run the program. We had math right after lunch. In math we worked on some tricky math sentences! Is 4+3=5+2? How about if I use a different word for "equals"? Is 4+3 "the same as" 5+2? Hmmmm its tricky. What other tricky equations can you make? After math we got our pictures taken with a special guest! IT WAS SANTA!!! Sorry, I couldnt keep that secret! We finished off the day with some computer time. Thank you Mr. Cormier for helping out! There is a meeting at 6:30 tonight at JMH. A memo went home about it today, and there is a newstory on the front page of the website. Maybe I will see you there. If not, get lots of rest and I will see you tomorrow!