Posted: October 25, 2013
Mr. McCallum - Archive - 08/2014
Welcome To Our Page
Posted: October 25, 2013
Posted: October 25, 2013
Welcome to our grade 3 end of day report. Today we started out learning about rattle snakes. Do you remember anything about them? We tried to skype with our Miramichi Rural Friends, but Mr. McCallum couldn't get logged onto skype. We know we already like Miss Reid though! Why? (Don't say cause she did her student teaching with Mrs. Hache!) In math today we worked on organizing our books and didnt really get to chess. Oh well! The IBP Choir had practice today in the gym at recess. Our picture of the day was taken as Georgia was watching Miss Gallant and Mrs Bell waiting to be signalled for a cue to sing. Do you see anyone else from choir you might recognize? In language arts today we continued to work on our Halloween stories. What are you writing yours about? In PE today we did our walk-a-thon laps with Mrs. Hache. We had reading buddies with Mrs. Noel's class for the first time (I posted the album on my teacher page). We finished of the day rehearsing our song and poem for the Remembrance Day Concert that will be coming up. Miss Gallant said you should know "Flanders Feilds" like you know.... ? Then we finished up an art project with Miss Gallant. How is yours looking? What did you write in your book of gratitude today before you went home?
Posted: October 24, 2013
Ed's subs - Ham & Cheese (lettuce on the side)$2.00
Posted: October 24, 2013
Burger King (Plain Hamburger)$2.00
Posted: October 24, 2013
Pizza Delight Pizza - Hamburger & Cheese$2.00
Posted: October 24, 2013
Jungle Jim's Chicken & Cheese Wraps (2 per order) $2.50
Posted: October 24, 2013
Subway Turkey & Cheese Deli's$2.00
Posted: October 24, 2013
Welcome to our grade 3 Daily Class Report. Today we had an interesting discussion about monsters. Do you remember which monster we were talking about? In math we worked on ordering and comparing numbers using less than, equal to, and greatest. Remember the aligator always eats the bigger number! Some students who are in choir had practice today at little recess. They tried some of the songs without using their words, I hope you are practicing at home. In language arts we skipped our book, wrote halloween stories, and worked on setting, characters, and halloween vocabulary. We continued to do our laps for the walk-a-thon in PE. We had music today and we are working on Flanders Feilds. Do you know it off by heart yet? In Art with Miss Gallant the students made Creeper Heads! We may have to invite Mr. Savoy back for a photo shoot, do you remember why? At the end of the day we worked on our book of gratitude, cleaned up the room, and our desks. Tomorrow we change the chairs at the end of the day, and try our first skype session (I hope). Todays picture of the day was taken from the hallway looking into the classroom as Gavin was copying work from the smartboard in Math class. There were lots of great pictures taken this week, it is so hard to choose just one, I will post the rest in a gallery at the end of the week. Have a great night and see you Friday!
Posted: October 23, 2013
Welcome to our grade 3 Daily Class Report. Today we started a new book, "Lucky the Rescued Puppy". Do you remember anything interesting about the characters in the book? We doodled an ice cream cone today and learned some interesting things about some junk food. In Language Arts with Miss Gallant we changed our books and wrote a story about the T-Rex. We decorated our pumkin for the competition today. In math we organized our folders and started on ordering numbers and "greater than" and "less than". We had BP for hotlunch today. I was switching the lenses on the camera at lunch while the students
were eating and these three girls couldn't resist a chance to ham it up
for the camera! In PE we walked 2km for the walk-a-thon. In health we filled out a sheet about 3 things we learned about fire prevention. In computer we learned to make a folder and save a word file in it. We cleaned up at the end of the day, made entries in our book of gratitude and went home! What a good day!