Mr. McCallum - Archive - 2011

Welcome To Our Page

Posted: November 10, 2009

Good morning, Today is Tuesday.  Today we have our Remembrance day ceremony at Ian Baillie.  Zach R. has one at his daycare.  Liam broke his glasses last night!  Oh no!  Reese and Josh went skating last night and they saw each other.  Shannon is excited to read her poem for the assembly.  Kelly has been practicing her choir songs!  Zack L was up early this morning at 5:00am.  Zach P has Tae Kwon Do tonight.  We only have 11 student today, but we will have a great day.        Mr. McCallum's class

Posted: November 9, 2009

  A very brave bunch today getting our needles, I was impressed.  We watched the torch travel another day today and we continue to get excited.  We watched our new weekly math problem, its a head scratcher!  We have our Remembrance day assembly tomorrow after recess.  In our chapter book today Jack and Annie went for a ride in a fishing boat with Basho to the market.  Why didn't they take the boat all the way to Basho's home?  In math we practiced writing two different math sentence to describe one picture using addition and subtraction.  Have a great night and see you tomorrow!

Posted: November 9, 2009

Mr. Lange was in Ottawa last week for a conference and met up with another Miramichi'er with a math problem for our class.  Many thanks to our local MP for being such a good sport (as always)!  Congratulations to Zach Perron who won the draw for last week.  Remember this is beyond our normal math cirriculum, you can guide but don't give your child the answer.  All answers must be in by Friday morning to be placed in the draw!  Good luck to all!

Posted: November 9, 2009

Good Morning,   Today is Monday.  We are all getting a needle today for H1N1.  On the weekend Liam broke a board in his fort.  Zack Lamkey watched Aliens in the Attic this weekend, it was wicked!  Paige watched Transformers, she thinks its a boy movie.  Reese went to Moncton, got new boots, and stayed in a hotel.  Josh went to Salisbury to visit his grandparents.  Zach Perron put up his Christmas lights on the weekend.  Kelly's dad is feeling sick, get well soon!  Logan played 3 on 3 in hockey.  Brendan spent the weekend watching hockey and Shannon's parents bought her a horse.  Do you remember the horses name?  Have a great day.Mr. McCallum's class

Posted: November 5, 2009

  Wow was this class ever good at using the SENTEO's in math today.   The third time is a charm I guess.  We will definitely try to incorporate them every day if possible.  Congratulations to Zachary Perron who won the draw for the weekly math prize!  I'll try to post next weeks video before the weekend ends.  We started tracking the Olympic torch today and we are starting to realize how big a deal this is going to be!  In our book today Jack and Annie were almost attacked by three samurai warriors!  Do you know how they got away?  Have a great long weekend everyone and I will see you on Monday! 

Posted: November 5, 2009

Good Morning,      Today is Thursday.   We are all getting super excited about the Olympic torch!  Mrs. Gorges is carrying the torch, and so is Logan's uncle Jason, and Kelly's friends mom.   Our choir is going to sing!  Rhyan is going to her cousins for the weekend.  Construction on the fort continues and now Colby is building one too!  Reese's mom is going to Ottawa and Shannon's parents are both in Montreal.  Enjoy the long weekend!Mr. McCallum's class 

Posted: November 4, 2009

 We finished up some of the details on our soldiers today with some extra art time.  We used the SENTEO's in math again.  We are getting better with them.  We just need to learn to not shout out the answers!  What does your child like most about the SENTEO's?  Reese's sister was a guest in our room today.  She was very nice and helped us with our work and read us a story.  We used the scooters in gym today and played Ballet Tag with them.   In our book Dragon of the Red Dawn we tried to use the wand but couldn't because of the 3 rules of the wand.  Jack and Annie will have to find passports another way.  Since we worked so hard today we finished off the day today with a game of quiet ball.  Spelling test tomorrow and parent teacher interviews start as well.

Posted: November 4, 2009

Good morning, Today is Wednesday. Liam and Kelly are busy after school building his own magic tree house. Josh is learning how to play Powder Game with his brother.  Zach P  stayed with his cousin again.  Abby had brownies last night and made cards.  Ben went to Douglastown to play the playstation.  Do you remember what game he played?  Last night after Karate Zach and Brendan rode in the back of a truck.      Mr. McCallum's class

Posted: November 3, 2009

  Reports went home today!  We had an interesting day today.  We were very busy cutting and coloring in Art making soldiers for Remembrance Day.  We have some interesting looking soldiers!  Instead of carrying a gun one soldier is carrying a kitty cat, and another is carrying a bear.  That should confuse the enemy.  We also gave the SENTEO's a try in math class today (ask your child about them).  The entire class liked them so we will try them again tomorrow!  We also started a new chapter book today called "Dawn of the Red Dragon".  We found out the magic wand has 3 rules... do you know them?

Posted: November 2, 2009

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Can you believe Mrs. Gorges got selected to carry the torch!  WOW!  (Hint) Too bad she can only get flags for the students and NOT for the teachers!  Last week Colby won a set of books from Mrs. McCarthy and Mrs. Hache.  We will have another draw this week for those who submit the right answer.  Good luck everyone!



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Added: Wed, Mar 23 2011