Mr. McCallum - Archive - 2011

Welcome To Our Page

Posted: November 2, 2009

Big day tomorrow with report cards going home.  Parent teacher interviews have been scheduled and are posted as a PDF.  Please let me know if your time doesn't work and I will do my best to make alternative arrangements to meet with you.  There will be a spelling test this Thursday, and no school for students on Friday for parent teacher meetings.  There has been a few questions about H1N1 vaccinations, again all the forms are posted on this site under documents.  Pretty standard day today.  Miss Reid watched us do our around the world in math, I feel a challenge looming.  We had a guest teacher for music, that was exciting!  We also have a new seating arrangement, so your child might be sitting beside a new friend!  Check back later tonight for the Math Bonus Question of the week! 

Posted: October 29, 2009

Tests are designed to make sure students know the material.  They are not to trick them or cause them any stress.  I also try to make sure that each test is administered the same.  In spelling for example I pre-record the words, shuffle them, and play them to the class.  This ensures that they must listen, and that if a student misses the test they have the exact same opportunity for success as their classmates.  We are hoping to embed a playlist feature on the website so that students can practice hearing my voice give the test, and in different orders.  Until then, here is Friday's spelling test as the student will hear it. 

Posted: October 29, 2009

Interview times will be included in the report cards which go home next week.  I will do my best to accommodate changes for individuals.  
PDF icon PT_Nov_2009.pdf40.08 KB

Posted: October 29, 2009

 Tomorrows spelling test is for Week 5 NOT Week 6 which I posted.  Yep cant imagine one of my students losing a sheet or bringing home the wrong one.  How embarrassing!  Tomorrow our math bonus answers are due as well.  I hope to have the Parent Teacher Times that were requested posted soon.  Report cards go home next week!

Posted: October 27, 2009

 I was out of the class for the morning and Mr. Duplessie taught.  I came back after recess and in math we introduced increasing patterns.  We added on to our guided writing story in the afternoon.  Killer the cheetah's story has had some revisions and close votes.  We finished off the day in the computer lab.  Report cards are coming up fast and I will be out Thursday to finish them up.  Friday will be red & white day, which means we will be just wearing red and white clothes... no costumes.  

Posted: October 26, 2009

  When I went to give the spelling test last week I had misplaced the list.  I figure if the teacher can loose the words, it may be possible that the students might do the same at some point.  I am going to try to start posting the homework online as well, I am still looking for the best format.  

Posted: October 26, 2009

Our pennies go in this week.  We are putting out the call that we want to win this month!  It will be a close race and it looks like it will come down to a handful of pennies which will make the difference, keep checking your sofa cushions.  In math we worked on patterns and identifying the core of patterns and I posted our first bonus question.  Friday this week we will have a movie in the class and some spooky snacks as a reward (provided we continue to earn it).  Halloween is coming up so please remember NO CHOCOLATE in our class due to allergies.  Many thanks and have a great night.  ( I cant believe I did it again... I deleted the morning letter, check back for tomorrow's when I will be much more careful!)

Posted: October 26, 2009

This is a BONUS math question.  We will have one every week, and draw names for a small prize on Friday for those who submitted a correct Answer.  It is a little bit beyond what we would normally do in math class but it will require some upper level thinking.  We will try to incorporate real life math problem's.  Help is allowed, but remember to guide and not give the answer. Good luck to everyone! 

Posted: October 21, 2009

  We have a guest teacher tomorrow, I will be in Moncton at a workshop.  I know the students in this class will make our guest feel welcome and make all of us proud!  We went over some math games and continue to work on patterns.  We talked about fluency in writing and Clementine's school finished up Talent Palooza!  Do you think Clementines writing would have a lot of fluency?  In gym today we worked on skipping rope.  Most of us can make it under the rope but we only have a few who can stay in and jump... for now anyway!  I almost forgot.... at the end of the day the grade one class came into OUR ROOM to tell us that we were going to lose the Penny Award for October!  Check your sofa cushions kids 1 penny could make the difference.  They can have every other month, but October is ours!

Posted: October 21, 2009

Good Morning,  Today Annabelle and Assiah have a playdate.  Rhyan might be going to the doctor to check on her headaches. Josh and Zach Lamkey are counting the days until the haunted house!  Brendan is moving into a tree to live soon, he's just waiting for the deck to be finished.  We may also have the future Tony Hawk in our class.  The Baillie Bugle people are under a deadline!  I hope they get finished.  Kelly loves drawing pictures.  Abby didn't have much luck looking for a costume yesterday.  We have a new guest teacher tomorrow so the class will be excellent hosts. Mr. McCallums Class



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Added: Wed, Mar 23 2011