Mr. McCallum - Archive - 2011

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Posted: October 7, 2009

  Super long weekend for students... teachers aren't as lucky, we only get 3 days (thats still pretty good though).  Can you believe I told the class I would come in on Monday so our class could have an extra day of school and fun, and no one wanted to come!  These kids must really love turkey!  No homework from me this weekend (that work was assigned by the firefighters who came to visit us).  Hope everyone has fun and gets lots of rest.  See you on Tuesday!

Posted: October 7, 2009

Good morning,    Today is Wednesday.  Remember to check your smoke detectors and go over your escape plan.   We have five days off!  That's crazy.  Evan and Logan both lost a tooth.  But don't worry they weren't fighting with each other.  Shannon's brother is coming home this weekend.  Reese will be going apple picking.  Zach Robichaud joined Karate.  Colby is getting a new hockey  table.  (Tasha is spelled with an "a" not an "o").  Zack Lamkey brought in a salamander.  It is cool!  Hope you enjoy some turkey.  Gobble gobble.Mr. McCallums Class.

Posted: October 6, 2009

 Im a little late posting today with the soccer, which was very fun!  Im sure there will be pictures and a news story about it posted to the sight soon.  I hope to get pictures of our class work up soon as well.  We did our first clay sculptures today in Art class.  I was very impressed with some of the creativity.  In math we are still working on estimation.  If we loved estimating marshmallows as much as we loved eating them, I'd dare say I had a future class of MIT grads.  We will continue to work on estimating.  Have a great night.

Posted: October 6, 2009

Good morning,    Today is Tuesday October 6th.  Zachary Perron was not at school yesterday.  He was in Moncton having his teeth looked at.  He may get braces someday.  Josh is having a friend sleep over on the weekend.  Rhyan will be going to a haunted house on the weekend.  Paige is going to her friend Tosha's house after school.  Some people will be playing soccer after school today.  Good luck to both teams.  Brendan will be hunting on the weekend, so be careful in the woods!  Ben and Abby both loved Cloudy with a chance of meatballs.  Have a great day.Mr. McCallum's class

Posted: October 5, 2009

PDF icon ELF_Books_Oct_2009.pdf4.28 MB

Posted: October 5, 2009

PDF icon Click__Interactive_Oct_2009.pdf3.47 MB

Posted: October 5, 2009

PDF icon Wild__MathScience_Oct_2009.pdf6.15 MB

Posted: October 5, 2009

  This week is a short week with no school on Thursday or Friday (CI Days), and Monday is Thanksgiving.  Five day weekend for students WOO HOO!  We sent home spelling words this week but the spelling test will be next Friday.  With that much time to practice I know everyone will get 100% on this quiz.  Scholastic orders are due back on Oct 16th.  (The order forms are posted under documents).  See you tomorrow.

Posted: October 5, 2009

Good morning,   Today is Monday.  It is a short week this week.  Some people are looking forward to thanksgiving and some are looking forward to Dairy Queen!  On the weekend Josh went to the Wildcats game, but they lost.  Brendan's brothers team the Titians won.  Shannon went to Zaney Lane with two of her ducks, I mean friends!  Paige went bowling, Zach Robichaud went to the haunted house and Zack Lamkey spent the weekend at the Golden Hawk.  What a busy weekend.  We will stay busy in school this week too.   Have a great dayMR. MCCALLUMS CLASS   

Posted: October 2, 2009

  High scores on the spelling tests all around! Good job gang, the words are getting harder so I can really tell now that the students are studying. 



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Added: Wed, Mar 23 2011