Mr. McCallum - Archive - 2011

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Posted: November 18, 2009

I thought I would try a choral read with the whole class.  I think I will keep it to just one reader from now on.  Worth a try. Good morning,  Today is Wednesday.  Zack L is tired today.  He had Karate and looked at houses last night until after 9!  Hope he doesn't fall asleep today.  Kelly is slightly excited for her upcoming birthday.  Josh just put on a Karate demonstration.   It was cool.  Reese is happy that her mom is coming home tomorrow!  Shannon played telephone at brownies last night with the sparks.  It was cool.  Abby had a rehearsal for the play she is going to be in. Ben got new camo slippers.  They are hard to see.  Logan has a mouse in his kitchen!  I wonder if it rides a motorcycle?  Zach P learned the captain underpants humiliating dance.  He wont show us ... yet!  Have a great day.Mr. McCallum's class

Posted: November 18, 2009

Show and Tell Sheet
PDF icon Show_and_Tell_2009_2010.pdf29.4 KB

Posted: November 17, 2009

  Jack and Annie seemed to have saved the town of Edo from the fire, but they were to late to help Master Basho.  Do you remember why Basho said that fire was "the flowers of Edo"?  We did some impressive work in writing, I was so pleased with our read to a buddy today as well.  In math we tried some game stations instead of a work sheet and we found out a huge secret!  Did you know if you read an addition sentence backwards, it works like a subtraction sentence!  I KNOW!!!!  You have to try it.  We also did some painting in art today of an olympic scene.  Some just need a bit of touch up.  Hot lunch tomorrow!  See you in the morning.

Posted: November 17, 2009

Good morning,  Today is Tuesday.  Logan slept over at his grammy's last night.  Rhyan is taking lots of pictures with her new camera, but she forgot to bring it today.  Maybe for show n tell on Thursday.  Shannon had a lot of trouble getting out of bed today.  Abby is going to visit with Paige and her mom.  Kelly is counting the days until her birthday.  Josh wants to get tools and wood.  I wonder why?  Zach R got a new door from his playroom to his bedroom.  Zack L is working on his fort, he got the walls up and some of the roof.  He might want to ask Colby to borrow some tools.  Have a great day.Mr. McCallum's class 

Posted: November 16, 2009

  I missed the audio for the morning letter again!  Strike two for me. What a busy day!  Jack and Annie finally got to use the wand!  Right now they are riding on the back of dragon and I cant wait to see what happens next.  We learned about the things we will do to start word work in Language Arts!  We did some gymnastics in gym.  In math we took a look at our new video question, and worked on our Math Word Wall.  I also sent home a sheet for show n' tell today.  Show n' Tell will be on Thursday and it is OPTIONAL.  The reason I sent the sheet home is simple, I have seen Show n' Tell where it is thoughtful, prepared, and interesting...but I have seen it where it is a chance to bring toys to school.  I know which one I want! Remember NO SHEET = NO SHOW.  We also got a sneak peak at one of the songs we will be singing for the Christmas show!  Its coming quick!  Its a short week with no school Friday. See you tomorrow.

Posted: November 13, 2009

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Mr. Cabel, why does that name sound familar?  Anyway we have another problem to solve!  The draw will take place on Thursday (because there is no school on Friday).  That should give Mr. Cabel plenty of time to do his grocery shopping.  This is hard so, good luck. 

Posted: November 13, 2009

 We had Miss Galllant as guest today, and the class made me proud, as always.  Jack and Annie might finally be in a position to use the wand!  Its been so long I think I forget the 3 rules to using it though.   Do you remember?  Congratulations to Annabelle who won the draw for the math prize!  The next video is posted and our draw will be on Thursday since there is no school next Friday.  Hope everyone has a great weekend! and see you on Monday. 

Posted: November 13, 2009

  Good morning, Today is Friday. Shannon is excited to see her cousin Charlie. Can he drive yet? Logan is going to be a goalie for the first time tonight. Zach P loves his new cotton underpants and socks. They keep him dry! Abby's church has a teen night tonight. She will be staying at home with her grandmother. Colby is building a tree house in his back yard. Josh is a pro on PS2 playing ATV doing crazy tricks! Zack L is going to try to shoot a moose this weekend. Rhyan is having a girls night (or day) out with her mom this weekend. Paige has a birthday party to attend. Ben got a new blanket, and Liam is super fast on his bike. Just ask his mom. Have a great weekend! Mr. McCallum's class

Posted: November 12, 2009

So Yeah.. I forgot to record the morning letter today.  Ooops!   Jack and Annie narrowly escaped the samuri thanks to Basho and Annies great poem.  I think the students had heard Annies poem before.  See if they can recite it.  Mrs. McCarthy put out job applications for a new Ian Baillie Morning News Anchor.  Applications need to be in tomorrow!  We did great with the senteo's in math, and worked on expressing our math sentences properly.  We do have a spelling test tomorrow.  Good luck and see you in the morning.

Posted: November 10, 2009

  Only 11 students today!  That vaccination needle must have really hurt.  We worked hard none the less.  We made torches and olympic flags for art today.  We had an awesome remembrance day assembly.  Jack and Annie ran into some real trouble at the end of the chapter.  Im going right home to practice using my chopsticks so I never run into the same problem!  Tomorrow is a holiday so I will see you all on Thursday!



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Added: Wed, Mar 23 2011