Mr. McCallum

Grade 2M

Posted: May 3, 2017

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Posted: May 3, 2017

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Posted: May 1, 2017

Happy May everyone! Today, we had fun in Mr. M's class. We began with our daily sheet and we got to write our own stories and doodle a silly monster. We did a reading comprehension on Tanya and her piano lessons. We ended our literacy block with a read a loud on storyline.

After our literacy block, we had math. We began with a listening quiz and then some multi-digit regrouping questions, showing our work. We had a math by myself sheet and then played 6 Up!

After lunch we had gym. On Mondays in gym we do yoga and we were all nice and relaxed for our art lesson. In art, we painted pictures of whatever we wanted. There were lots of pirate ships and pretty flowers.

We ended the day with a B.O.G entry. Unfortunately, we didn't earn a reward because we were a bit hyper today. But tomorrow is another day!

Posted: April 27, 2017

Happy thursday! Today we were a busy bunch. We started our day with our daily sheet. We wrote independent pieces for CPTTS and shared them with the class. Ms. Patles is pleased with the way our story writing skills are developing. After our sheet, we did 'Make Something that Does Something' and we had a lot of fun designing our own controllers that actually worked with pacman online!

After little recess we had an assembly. Brea, Xander, Denny, Gavin, Isabelle, Colbie amd Lauchlan were recipients of some awards today. Way to go guys! Wehn we returned to class, we did a reading comprehension that had more complex questions than we are used to but we did awesome!!

After lunch we had gym. We played 4 corners, and Mrs. Alligator to name a few. Then we went to computer to finish up some pen pal letters as well as have a bit of free time. We ended our day with a B.O.G entry and we filmed the morning announcements together as a class! It's been a great week.


Have a great long weekend everyone :)

Posted: April 26, 2017

Today was a very fun day for our students! We started the day with a read to self and then we travelled to JMH to watch the play "Beauty and The Beast" which was performed by the high school students. It was so great and we were all singing along- especially Ms. Patles. When we came back, it was lunch time so we had a late lunch and some play time before returning to class.

We went to gym and played some games, including 4 corners and Colbie won! After gym we had a quick french lesson where we sang along to some of our favorite french songs. We ended our day with an agenda signing, a B.O.G entry and some earned free time.

We've been having such a great week, we hope to keep it up all the way to the end!

Posted: April 25, 2017

Happy tuesday all! We began today in the usual way- with our daily sheet. We wrote independent stories and shared them with the class and we did a reading comprehension where we learned a lot about insects! We learned the parts of their bodies like the thorax and abdomen.

After our literacy block, we had math. We started with a listening quiz and then did some more equations using our subtraction algorithm. We got to play a few rounds of 7 up with Ms. Patles and Mr. Lynch before going outside for recess.

After lunch, we had gym. Gym is always fun. Today we played basketball. Students were a sweaty mess afterwards but they were grinning from ear to ear. After gym we had computer class. We earned free time and Ms. Patles gave us the entire period to play whatever we wanted. We ended our day with a guidance session.

Parents/guardians are reminded that we will be attending a play at JMH tomorrow. Students are asked to bring 2$ and be here for 8:30 as the bus is leaving at 8:45 sharp.

Posted: April 24, 2017

Today was a great day in grade 2! We began our day with our daily sheet where we wrote an independant story. We shared our stories with the class and they were all so great! We did a reading comprehension on nocturnal animals so we learned a few new vocabulary terms! Our ladies who gave solo speeches today at Gretna Green practiced their speeches for the class, because we weren't going to get to see them. We told them all something we enjoyed about their speech and gave them some feedback on what they could do to make it better. Then, the girls did their speeches again with the feedback and they were so great!

After our literacy block, we had math. We began with a listening quiz then solved some equations using our subtraction algorithm. We ended our class with a 'math by myself' sheet.

After lunch, we had PE. Students seemed to have enjoyed their time and they came up to have art class. For art, we made some pointilism pictures with paint. This quickly turned into a mess but fun was had by all. We ended our day with a B.O.G entry and some free time.

Posted: April 21, 2017

Today was a fun friday in grade 2! We started our day with a literacy block. We wrote our own stories and then we shared them with the class. We also did a reading comprehension about Griz the Grizzly bear! It was an interesting story and everyone did so good on it! We had an early recess because we travelled to JMH for the music festival. We sang Take Me Out To The Ballgame!

Next we had lunch. After lunch we went to gym to play soccer. Lastly, we planted tomato seeds that have been in space! They will be so tasty along with our brocoli! We ended the day with a dance off and a movie. It was such a fun day in Mr. M's class. Ms. Patles was so pleased with the way everyone behaved today. We didn't get a single sad face!

Have a great weekend everyone!

Posted: April 20, 2017

Today in Mr. M's class, we did quite abit! First we had our literacy block. We did our daily sheet and we got to write our own story. We did a reading comprehension and corrected them together. Everyone did so well! We are in good shape for the upcoming assessments. We ended our block with a buddy read which was great because everyone was on task and doing what they were supposed to do.

Next we had math. We began with a listening quiz and then reviewed our subraction algorithm. We did a few questions using our algorithm and itis coming much easier than our regrouping with Base 10 Blocks! We are almos pros. After that, we did mathletics in the computer lab. Some of us did compensation for subtractions, others did mental subtraction.

After lunch we had gym. We played soccer and Ms. Patles heard it was great. We went to the computer lab and finished typing our pen pal letters. Early finishers got to type a B.O.G entry before playing some Friv! We ended the day with a B.O.G entry and a chair change.

Posted: April 13, 2017

Today in Mr. M's class we were a busy bunch! First, we had our literacy block where we finished the Cabi Creek novel we've been reading for some ime now. We found out it was Ms. Allen's boyfrind who did it! We did our daily sheet and then wrote pieces about what he hope to find on Easter morning. We ended our class with a share and an Easter themed wordsearch.

Next we had math. This was our final day on working with Base 10 Blocks to regroup and subtract. We are all rockstars now and Ms. Patles is so proud! We did a math by myself sheet and then did a few rounds of "Around the World" and "7 up".

After lunch we had a bit of a mixed up afternoon. Some of us went to the gym to practice our choir songs and some stayed in the class to do gym in class. We then all met up in the gym with Ms. Comeau to practice our music festival songs. Then we came back to the classroom and did a B.O.G entry. We got to play a few rounds of 'teacher says' before we ended our day.

It was a great day and a great week. Happy Easter all and enjoy your long weekend!


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Added: Tue, Mar 28 2017


Added: Wed, May 3 2017
A Day in 2M
A Day in 2M