Posted: February 22, 2017
Its true. Tomorrow is show and tell day!
Posted: February 22, 2017
Its true. Tomorrow is show and tell day!
Posted: February 21, 2017
We had a bit of a crazy start to the day. First Mr. English showed up to teach because I had a meeting, but then I ended up not going to my meeting so I got to stay and be with the class! We started off the day with word endings for "keep". What did you do when you got the "-ed" ending? Our spelling word was "substitute". How many syllables does it have? Our character and doodle for today were for a football. We also did a very special read to self and share! We got letters today from our new Pen Pals at Saint Andrews! What did your letter say? Who was it from? I'm so excited to write back and find our about our pen pals!
After recess we had a listening quiz on numbers and measurement. Then we went to the computer lab to work on mathletics. How many points do you have so far this week?
After a beautiful outdoor lunch we had PE with Ms. MacFarlene. I saw lots of hockey sticks and whiffle balls zooming through the gym! I hope you followed the biggest rule of the gym! Do you know what it is? (BE SAFE).
Next, we went to the computer lab to work in WordPad. I hope you remembered to save your work to the H drive.
Finally, we finished off the day with Mrs. Clancy in guidance. She talked about "not now" problems. What is a "not now problem"? We packed our agenda's with two memo's, I signed the agenda's and we got ready for home! Dress warm, get lots of sleep and I will see you in the morning!
Posted: February 20, 2017
We started off the day with our regular routine. Our "Word Endings" were for "sit". What did you put when you got to the "-ed" ending? Our spelling word was "announcement". We did a story for an owl. Then we got on the bus and went down to Saint Andrews for the big announcement. Next year our school will be "King Street Elementary".
When we got back it was time to go outside and play. After lunch we had Yoga with Mrs. McFarlene. Then we tackled Oragami for round two! Folding paper is much more challenging than you may think! We made about half way through this time before it got too challenging. We did our book of gratitude, packed our agenda's with a double sided memo, and got ready for home. It was a super quick day today.
Get lots of sleep, dress warm, and I will see you tomorrow!
Posted: February 14, 2017
We were all very excited to see our friends after a little break, and on top of that it was Valentines day today! Everyone had a ton of energy! We started off the day rehearsing our song one time through with the other classes. Then we got straight to our morning sheet. What endings (ing, s, ed) did you add to "yell" and "jump"? Our spelling word was "romance" and our CPTTS was for an arrow. What was his small problem? Remember, small problem= small story, complicated problem=complicated story. We reviewed the difference between there, their, and they're, we watched a history on Saint Valentines day, and did a quick kahoot quiz before a read to self session.
After recess we went over some basic everyday measurement (taller, shorter, longer, wider, heavier, lighter). Then we went to the lab to do one session on mathletics. We got back from the lab and handed out some valentines and decorated some cookies. Then we packed everything up for lunch and went outside on the sliding hill.
After lunch we had PE with Miss Mcfarlene. We did tally Tuesday. How many laps did you run? Next we went to computer. We worked in wordpad. Can you find all the keys we need on the keyboard? Shift, enter, space bar, delete, backspace, and the arrow keys? We finished off the day with our closing activities, book of gratitude and get our agendas signed. No memos today. Get lots of sleep, dress warm, and I will see you in the morning.
Posted: February 9, 2017
It was a very busy day today! We started off the day with a new morning sheet! Everyone always loves that! The other Grade 2 class, and the Grade 3 class came in first thing and we practiced our song for the music festival. Then we got straight to work. We did "Word Endings", where we added "-ing, -s, and -ed" to the end of words. We did two different words today "play" and "trap". Can you add all 3 endings to each word? Next we did our spelling word "valentine". We did a story for a snowman, peer edited the story, and doodled a snowman. Next we looked at our updated word wall. We noticed that the word "there" and "their", which sound the same are spelled differently. We even added "they're". Three words that sound the same but are spelled differently. We practiced making different sentences with each one. Do you know how each one is used? _____ is a dog. That is _____ dog. ______ happy they found the dog.
After recess we had math. We had a quick math listening quiz on place value. Reviewed days of the week, and months of the year. Those are measurements of time. Are they standard or non-standard units of time? Then we went to the computer lab to do a mathletics unit on months. Some students are rocking the mathletics! Great job!
After an indoor lunch we had PE with Miss McFarlene. I saw the blue mats out! What did you do in PE?
Next we went to the computer lab and worked on WordPad. We went over the different tabs, the font size, and the fonts. We also looked at the enter key and delete key.
We finished off the day decorating some cookies that we were having trouble getting too. Not all of the cookies survived decorating and they didn't make it out of the kitchen.
We came back up and got our agenda's, I passed out a memo (attached), and we got ready for home. Some students were asking for a list for valentines. We have 14 students. They are:
1 Aiden
2 Zoey
3 Brea
4 Wyatt
5 Reese
6 Lauchlan
7 Ryan
8 Denny
9 Xander
10 Isabelle
11 Colbie
12 Lana
13 Mikail
14 Gavin
Have a great night, stay warm, get lots of sleep and I will see you in the morning!
Posted: January 24, 2017
Grade 2 is so much fun! We did our regular opening routine. Our Solving Words clues were CVCC and "desire". Do you know the word wall word to solve this riddle (want)? Our spelling word was "appreciate" and our CPTTS was for a robot. We did a peer edit and peer scoring before we doodled a robot. After that we did something new. I broke us up into teams and each team was given a tablet. We all learned how to login to Kahoot and did a team trivia quiz on punctuation ( . ! ? ). We had alot of fun and we may have been a little too loud as lots of other teachers asked if our class was okay.
After recess we had math. We went over our new math sheet for number of the day. Todays number was 81. We had to do somethings with that number. Do you remember any? We also went to the computer lab to do Mathletics. Are you almost ready to move on to the place value unit?
After lunch we had PE with Miss McFarlene. How many laps did you get for Tally Tuesday? Then we went to the computer lab. I gave students time to work on Mathletics to help finish their unit. If they were all done they could go on any school appropriate site of their choosing. We finished off the day with Mrs. Sturgeon in guidance. Do you remember who her birthday twin was? We packed up our agenda (with the two attached notes), and got ready for home.
Get lots of sleep, stay warm and dry, and I will see you in the morning for another awesome day!
Posted: January 23, 2017
It was another awesome day in Grade 2! We started off the day with our regular routine. We set up our sheets, checked our agenda's, and got down to work. Our Solving Words puzzle had two answers today. The clues were CCVCV and "a place" (there, where). What do the C and V stand for? (Consonant and Vowel). Our spelling word was "California" and our CPTTS was for a teddy bear. We did some peer editing with red and blue pens and we doodled a Teddy Bear. We did one round of read to self and talked about paragraphs and parenthesis (brackets). Do you remember how the author we watched suggested we read brackets (like a whisper, as if it was a bonus or a secret).
In Math we talked about standard and non-standard measurements. Do you know the difference? We talked about base ten blocks and drawing them to represent numbers. We also worked on drawing lines in cm with our rulers.
After lunch we had PE with Miss McFarlene. We did yoga. Im not sure if it calmed your mind and body because for art we did our first attempt at paper mache! It was very high intensity lol. I will post some pictures of our finished products very soon! We signed our agenda's, did our book of gratitude, and called it a day.
It looks like it will be a wet and dirty day tomorrow so dress warm, stay dry, get lots of sleep, and I will see you for another amazing day tomorrow!
Posted: January 19, 2017
Everyone seems to finally be settling back into our routine after the break. Today was our first day of winning an award of free time for the end of the day, and only the second time all year that the entire class all wrote on the proper side of our morning sheet to start the day! Small wins are awesome!
We started the day with our new morning sheet. Our solving words was in the form "cvcv" and was a place (here). Our spelling word was "inquiry" and our CPTTS was for "a carrot". We also doodled a carrot. We also did another amazing round of read to self and we set up a quote page that we will finish tomorrow.
After an indoor recess we had math. We did a listening quiz with meters, centi-meters, and kilometers. What unit would use to measure - the height of the cential bridge? Your desk? The distance to Fredericton? Then we watched an old video to help us with our Mathletics. If you are counting by 5's which would be the odd number out 10, 20, 25, 31, 35 or 40? How do you know? Everyone has their Mathletics login cards. I can tell lots of students are working at home. Great job!
After a beautiful outdoor lunch we had PE with Miss McFarlene. Did you dance your feet off? Then we had computer. Today we learned how to screen shot and save a picture from Scratch to paint. This will be very helpful to anyone who wants to do a coding project for STEM Fair. We finished off the day getting our egg drop packets for those who requested them. Please take lots of pictures of the process as this could also be a STEM Fair project later on. It doesnt have to be, but options are good! We won some freetime so we did a quick desk clean and some of my readers looked at poems to read for the music festival. I signed the agenda's and we called it a day.
Have a great night, get lots of sleep, dress warm, and I will see you tomorrow!
Posted: January 18, 2017
It was a great day today in grade 2! We started off the day with a new morning sheet. We changed all of our words on our wordwall, and changed using words to solving words. Today solving words had two clues "ccvc" and "speed". Do you know what the word was? Our spelling word was "kumquat". What letter came after the "q" even in the middle of the word? Our CPTTS was for an alien. We doodled a UFO. We also did a round of read to self (you can see Ryan was very comfortable). We also looked at how to convert character speech bubbles into quotation marks in a story.
After indoor recess we had math. We did a listening quiz where students had to decide which unit would best be used to measure an item. Which unit would you use to measure the Ian Baillie Math Track? How about the height of a door? We did math with a friend on "make a box", we review place value, and we did a lesson on how to draw a line to a set lenght. Can you draw a 5cm line using a ruler?
After an outdoor lunch we finished our last few minutes of "My Friend Martin" and watched looked at a book on Martin Luther King. We danced in PE and we finished off the day with some French lessons. We learned stand up, sit down, and we read little red riding hood.
We will be going skating on Wednesday February 1st.
Have a great night, get lots of sleep, dress warm, and I will see you in the morning.
Posted: January 17, 2017
What a great way to start the week! We started off the day with a quick review of our Zones of Regulation. What Zone were you in? Our making words sentence was "I WON'T climb the STEEPLE, so THEN you can do it an be BRAVE", our spelling word was "sequence" (what letter always comes after a "q") and our "CPTTS" was for a penguin. What Problem did your Character have? We doodled a penguin. In Language Arts we worked on quotation marks and did a quick round of read to self.
After an indoor recess we had Math. In math we had a listening quiz on place value, we talked about standard and non-standard units. We also did Mathletics in the computer lab.
At lunch we had pizza for hot lunch and we watched a bit of our video "My Friend Martin", around Martin Luther King.
We had PE with Miss McFarlene. Did you do Tally Tuesday today? Next we looked at some Scratch Project example in the computer lab.
We came back to the classroom and wrote in our agenda's and packed a memo for home.
Have a great night, get lots of sleep, dress warm, and I will see you in the morning.