Mr. McCallum

Grade 2M

Posted: April 11, 2017

Today was another great day in Mr. M's class. We started our day with a read a loud from Cabin Creek. We have one more chapter left and we are done! After that we went to the gym to practice our song for Music Festival, which is fast approaching. Then, we came back to the classroom to do the fourth page in our pen pal book.

Next we had math. For math, we worked on Base 10 Block regrouping/subtraction. We got a demonstration on repartioning to subtract and then went to the computer lab to do some mathletics. This was kind of tricky but with a bit more practice we will be rockstars.

After lunch we had gym. This was very exciting to watch as the students were playing a game Ms. Patles had never seen before. After gym, we went to the lab to type our pen pal letters up. We will perfect them on Thursday. We ended our day with a book of gratitude entry and 2 games of 4 corners, as our behaviour was so good!

Posted: April 10, 2017

Happy monday! Today we began our day with a read a loud from Cabin Creek.. We are almost done the novel! Then, we did our daily sheet where we wrote a small story about a bunny! We also wrote page 3 of our books to our pen pals.Today we wrote asked and answered questions that our pen pals asked us in theirs.

Next we had math where we started with a listening quiz. We graded them together. We did some Base 10 Block regrouping questions and then a "Math By Myself" sheet.We are getting really good at regrouping with Base 10 Blocks. We had enough time to play a quick game of 7 Up!

After lunch we had gym. Ms. Patles peeked her head into the class and noticed that they were playing some really fun games. Our afternoon was quite exciting as well. We traced our silhouettes and filled them with pictures that represent us. Finally, we earned a reward and today it was a science demo. We made Magic Milk. It was messy but very cool!

Posted: April 7, 2017

It was a fabulous friday in Mr. McCallum's grade 2 class! We started the day with a "Make Something that Does Something" class. We seperated into groups and tried to see who could build the highest free-standing tower using pasta and clay. The trick was it had to stand on its own and have a paper clip and the end of it... Mr. M won :(

After that, we had literacy where we wrote the second page of our books for our pen pals at St. Andrew's. We talked about ourselves today and told them such things like our hobbies, families, and our dreams for the future. Some people worked with Ms. Patles, some with Mr. M and others worked alone. We then did a buddy read and we all listened to the rules!

For lunch, we had pizza! It was in indoor recess because it was so wet and muddy outside. We watched a few short episodes of a funny show while we dined.

After lunch, we had gym. On friday, we have free time in the gym so we all did something different. After gym, we came back for a lesson on nutrition and we watched an astronaut brush his teeth in space! We ended our day with a french lesson and some free time. It was a great day and a great way to kick off the weekend!


Posted: April 6, 2017

Happy Thursday all! Today was exciting. We began our morning with a writing session where we wrote back to our pen pals. We started with an introduction which talked about how happy we were to receive letters from students at another school. We are writing them a book with our responses, which will take us a few days to write everything. We shared our stories and it was nice.

Next we had math. We started with a listening quiz which we marked together. Then we worked on subtracting/regrouping using Base 10 Blocks. We went down to the computer lab and did mathletics 'simple subtraction' and we were rockstars at it!

After lunch, we went back down to the computer lab to type our letters to our pen pals, because we want to be good at typing. We got to have some free time at the end because we worked so well. Next we had gym class, it was so much fun!

We ended our day by finishing our clay creations from the previous week. We also earned a reward for our behaviour and we got to watch a short film. Today was great and we are hoping to end the week on a positive note!

*Parents please be reminded that tomorrow is our pizza party. If your child does not wish to have pizza, please pack them a lunch. There will be no cost to the pizza, as we won it!

Posted: April 5, 2017

This morning, we began with a literacy block where we worked on our editing skills. We also got to write a short story about a girl named Paula who lost her cat. Then, we took those skills and practiced them on our own pieces of writing. Then we got to do a buddy read for the last few minutes of class.

Next we had math. In math we practiced our algorithim for subtraction and refeshed our memory on our place value skills. Then, we went down to the computer lab for mathletics.

After lunch we had YYW during which we shared our Pen Pal letters with the class. These were so nice to read and it was special to receive a letter from a student at St. Andrew's. Then we went to gym class. After gym, we did a french lesson and we learned some new french vocabulary. We earned a reward for our behaviour and we got to watch a JibJab! We also earned a pizza party for having the nicest class picture of us wearing blue for Autism day. Our piza party will be on Friday.

Posted: April 4, 2017

Our day started off with a literacy block. This morning we did a lesson on contractions. It involved a cut and paste sheet and a word sort. Things got messy but we now know what a contraction is and their matching pairs! We also read from Cabin Creek and wrote a CPTTS on a little boy named Mike.

Next we had math. We worked on our regrouping skills once more, followed by a math by myself sheet. We are getting pretty good at regrouping with Base 10 Blocks. Soon enough, we will all be the rockstars Ms. Patles thinks we are!

After lunch, which was from Jungle Jim's, we had an assembly. There were many students from the class who either got listeneing awards, hard hat awards, mathletics certificates or recognition for their participation in the STEM fair. We then had computer free time and we earned an award for being so quiet during our B.O.G entries. Ms. Patles chose to let the class go outside to play 'Teacher Says'. Everyone had a great time doing so!

Posted: April 3, 2017

Today was a busy day for us in Mr. McCallum's room. We were all very high energy today, as we had just come back from a long weekend. We started our day with a new daily sheet activity called 'find and replace'. For this activity, we had to change certain words to make a sentence have a bit more pizzaz. We also learned about synonyms today.

After literacy, we had math. We are still working on our regrouping skills using manipulatives like Base 10 Blocks. We did a 'math by myself' sheet while Ms. Patles worked with a group on a guided math lesson.

After lunch, we had gym, where we did yoga. Next, we had art and in art we made a 'blow painting' project where we created the monsters we wrote about last week. Things got messy but it was fun!

We ended our day with a Jib Jab dance party and a book of gratitude entry. It was a good day!

Posted: March 30, 2017

Today was another good one in Mr. McCallum's grade 2 class. Mr. M was out for the day so Mr. Lynch was in. We started our day with our literacy block, where we did some homophone and syllable practice. Students got to work together to fill out their activity sheets. We also read from Cabin Creek and we are nearly finished... We are all excited to see how this mystery novel will end!

After little recess, we had math class. We started with a listening quiz and then we worked some more on our regrouping skills and then we got to do some mathletics online. This is always very fun.

After lunch, we had PE. During PE we played floor hockey and that was very exciting. Everyone played well together and the score was close! We ended our day with a computer class where we attempted to refine our Pacman skills. We are getting very good, some of us can even beat Ms. Patles!(who is a champ)

After our computer session, we came back to the classroom and cleaned it up for the parent/teacher interviews. Lastly, we did an entry in our books of gratitude. It was a great day!

Happy long weekend!

Posted: March 29, 2017

Another busy day in Mr. McCallum's room. We started the day with our daily sheet and read a loud from Cabin Creek. After that, we reviewed the story "I Need My Monster". We wrote narrative peices detailing what our monster would look like and be like if we had our very own pet monsters. We dicussed what they would eat, look like, smell like and other traits that made them unique. We drew our monsters and shared our pieces with the class.

After literacy, we had math. During math, we practiced our regrouping skills using base ten blocks. We've been doing this for the last few days and with a little more practice, we are all going to be masters of regrouping! With the remaining time, we played 7 add up!

After lunch we had to have a talk about grade 2-itis. It seems as though some of us are forgetting how to act in school, so with a little refresher, we should be right on track again. Then we had PE. During gym, students played soccer with Mrs. Clancy

After PE, we had a french lesson where we learned how to say things about our class in french. We earned a reward for our behavior so we got to end the day with a short film!

Posted: March 28, 2017


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Added: Tue, Mar 28 2017


Added: Wed, May 3 2017