Mr. McCallum

Grade 2M

Posted: June 13, 2017

A very busy day today!  I told the students in the class when you near the finish line in a race you sprint not walk, so we have lot of work to do and we still have to follow all the rules. 

T-shirts - the second order will be in Friday (Monday at the latest)

School Closure - Ian Baillie will have a regular day Wednesday June 21, but it will be the last day of school due to the closure of the building (a detailed note went home today)

There will be a bake sale on Thursday

Monday is Sports day, we are still looking for volunteers if you are available! 

Only one week left of school!  See you tomorrow!


Posted: June 6, 2017

Electronics day was fantastic!  Thank you to the girls in my class for doing my make up, you did a great job!  I'm glad I didn't get a detention for breaking the new principals rules.

Tomorrow morning we will be walking to JMH for the Black Light Show put on by Saint Andrew's.   They are asking for a $2 donation.

Tomorrow afternoon it is supposed to be nice.  The high school co-op students have come up with some WATER fun activities for gym class, please bring a change of clothes.

Thursday is our Field Trip to Camp Sheldrake.  It is supposed to be very nice out, so put some sunscreen on in the morning, and remember to bring a lunch (there is nothing to buy on-site).  The fee is $15/student, but our Home and School will be paying $5 for each student.  Thank to everyone for sending in your $10. 

Friday is Farewell to Ian Baillie in the afternoon.  Stop in for tea/coffee and to look at some pictures from years gone by.

Posted: June 1, 2017

Can you believe its June already?

Yes!  We will have a Show and Tell tomorrow! 

Posted: May 31, 2017

We started off the day with our regular routine.  Our "find and replace" was for: The PRETTY girl WENT to the store.   Our spelling word was "demonstrate" and we did our story on a baby owl.  We doodled a baby penguin.  Next we did a write to self on the topic "JUNE".  We went over some of the things that are happening in June and did a quick write.  What are you excited about in June?  We also did a quick round of the daily 5 before an indoor recess.   After recess we had a two minute math quiz on place value.  We reviewed numberlines and where numbers would fall on those lines.  We did Math by our self sheets on single and double digit additon.  We did coin counting with a friend and had a special visitor pop in to say hello.  Do you remember the former principals name? After an outdoor lunch we read a book called the talking stick.  We watched a video on Canada 150 and went to PE.   After PE we went over some french.  Do you remember how to ask someone their name, or tell them yours?  We finished off with our page of gratitude.  Get lots of sleep and I will see you tomorrow for the first day of June!

Posted: May 23, 2017

I hope everyone had a restful long weekend!  We started today with some writing.  We did a quick plan and brainstorm and a draft.  Tomorrow we will finish up our draft and start our good copy.  We did a find and replace for "There will be a BIG fishing tournament soon."  Our spelling word was "different".  We skipped our writing and editing because we wrtote first today.  After recess we got a few more minutes to check our stories then we went to the computer lab for Mathletics.  Today we worked on adding 3 - single digit numbers and reviewed "friends that make ten".  Does it matter which order you add in?  Is 3+7+6 the same as 3+6+7 or 7+6+3?  How can knowing your "friends that make ten"  help make this problem easier?

After lunch we went outside for PE with Miss Clark.  We did our Go for 42 laps and even earned some time on the playground.  We came in and packed ALOT of notes (attached) in our agenda.  We went to the computer lab and shared it with Miss Corcorans Kindergarten.  Some people got caught up in Mathletics, and others got free time.  Did you check your email today?  I hope you only wrote kind things!  Teasing is hard to read with tone.  What you put on the internet can last forever!

We finished off the day with guidance with Mrs. Sturgeon.   She talked about taking turns and comprimising on playing games.  What did Howard (the character in your story) learn?  Buick dropped off two promotional cars for the Drive for your Student event coming up this weekend and there will be an assemlby tomorrow to reveal the new King Street Mascot!  Get lots of sleep, dress for the weather, and I will see you tomorrow!

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Posted: May 18, 2017

It was a warm day today!  I love the warm weather!  We started off the day giving our plants a little drink of water.  They were looking dry in the window.  That wil be your new job in the morning for a little while to make sure your plant is doing well.  We did a find and replace for "I WENT to see the BIG fish dad caught."  How did you improve your sentence?  Our spelling word was "molecules" and our Solve was for "I cant watch my TV show because Grandma is snoring".  Did you get 4 sentences (Solve, Detail, Detail, Problem)?  We finished up our Lost puppy story and did some story sharing. 

Following recess we had math.  We did a place value lesson and had a quick listening quiz.   We also finshed our subtraction unit in Mathletics (I hope). 

After lunch we went to the computer room and used our school based email.  We talked about using REPLY, REPLY ALL, FORWARD.   We talked about the difference between being fun and being cruel.  Remember the internet is forever!

It was so nice today that we got to do our first outdoor PE class!   I love outdoor soccer! 

We finished up the day with another internet safety video, we reviewed the day, did our book of gratitude, got our agenda's signed, and got ready for home!   Dress appropriately for the weather, get lots of sleep an I will see you tomorrow. 

Posted: May 18, 2017

Student Email Link

This is the web site for your school email.  This will be the site you use at everyschool for the rest of you ASD-N career. 

To login put the domain name then your user name (first 3 letters of your first then last name then student number):  NBSS/micmcc12345

Then your password.  The same as you put every time you start to login in the computer lab.

We have watched some internet safety video's and talked about how this is a school email, what you write is forever, once you send something you no longer have control of it.  Don't write anything that you dont want to see on the front page of the newspaper beside your name.  The best way to do this is to ALWAYS BE KIND! 

Be careful with your "REPLY" and "REPLY ALL" buttons!  

Posted: May 17, 2017

It was a beautiful day at Ian Baillie.  We started off the day reading from our Romana book.  How did Romana figure out the Willa Jean had two boys in her class named Bruce?  We did a find and replace for "Willa Jean is a PRETTY LITTLE girl".   Our spelling word today was "apologize", and we did a TRY for a dog that wont stop barking by taking him on a long walk.  We doodled a puppy.  We did a reading comprehension sheet and worked on our Lost puppy stories.  

After recess we had quick listening quiz and worked on our place value.  We also went to the lab to finish our unit on subtraction.  I hope you are all done and ready to move back to addition. 

After lunch we talked about "moving", not moving our bodies, but moving homes.   We had lots of classmates that have moved homes.  What are some of the reasons we might move?   We then took some time to design some of our dream homes.  What cool features did you make in your blue print? 

Next we had PE with Miss Clancy.  Floor hockey and tag games are always a hit.

Finally we finshed off the day with a quick CPTTS movie with a dog called "take me home".  We did our book of gratitude.  Signed our agendas's, and got ready for home.  Get lots of sleep, dress for the weather, and I will see you tomorrow!

Posted: May 16, 2017

I'm so sorry that I haven't been writing on my teacher page.  Miss Patles was taking care of it for so long I have completely forgotten about it.  I will definately work harder at getting it done!

We started off the day with our regular routine.  We read from "Ramona Quimby, Age 8".  Who does Ramona's mom keep telling her she has to be nice too? Our find and replace was "I liked the movie.  It was nice"  What two words did you improve upon?  Our spelling word was "exasperation" and we worked on a TRY for "I want my mom to order pizza".  We doodled a puppy and went on to a writers workshop.  We did a try for our lost puppy story.  Then we did a reading comprehension sheet.

After an outdoor recess we had math.  We started off with a listening quiz on number place value.  We did math with a friend using flash cards (and one group used the Osmo).  We reviewed our adding algorithm and did a couple of practice questions together before heading to the lab for mathletics.  I hope you are done your subraction unit! 

After lunch we had Tally Tuesday in the gym with Miss Mcfarlene.  Then we went to the computer lab and learned about our email accounts.  You can log into yours at  and remember to put NBSS/ before your user name. 

We finished off the day looking at some internet safety rules.  The biggest thing I want you to remember is that everything you put on the internet is FOREVER!  So always be kind and thoughtful online. 

I attached the memo that went home today.

Get lots of sleep, dress for the weather, and I will see you tomorrow!

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Posted: May 3, 2017


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Added: Tue, Mar 28 2017


Added: Wed, May 3 2017
2017_05_03 Good Bye
2017_05_03 Good Bye
Today in 2M


Math Pattern Flash Cards